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Kyocera - Монолитный осевой инструмент 2016 ENG

                                                                    для заказа - kyocera@kyocera-tools.ru                                       SERIES 860 NEW

HYDROS COOLANT FED DEEP DRILL                                                                                                           0.1250" - 0.5000" DIAMETER
                                                                                                                                                     Sub Micron Grain Carbide
HYDROS INCH SHANK                                                                                                                                                                     DRILLS
                                                                                                                                        Superior Hole Wall Surface Finishes
COOLANT FED DEEP DRILLS                                                                                                                                    Double Margin Design
Excellent for Difficult-to-Cut Materials                                                                                        Straight Through Drilling Without Pecking
                                                                                                                                                              Matching Pilot Drills
Dc                                      L2
                                                                                    L1                                                                                                END MILLS
                                                                                    L                                                          6 Facet Point Geometry

                                                                                                                  MICRO   135 10xD                 R             2                   ROUTERS
                                                                                                                  GRAIN     POINT
HYDROS Coolant Fed Deep Drill
                                                                                                                   *L2                   Symbol Descriptions  Page 7                    THREAD MILLS
                                                                                                                                                                                      & TAPS
                                                         Dimensions (in)                                          1.2500                     AlTiN Nano
                                                                                                                  1.4060  Point
     Dc                                 Ds                             L                      L1                1.5630  Angle Part Number Stock
0.1250 (1/8)                             0.1250                          3 1/2                 1.6250             1.8750  135°           860-1250AG1625           
                                                                                               1.8280             2.0310  135°           860-1406AG1828           
0.1406 (9/64)                            0.1875                          4                     2.0310             2.1880  135°           860-1563AG2031                              ENGRAVERS
                                                                                               2.2340             2.3440  135°           860-1719AG2234           
0.1563 (5/32)                            0.1875                          4                     2.4380             2.5000  135°           860-1875AG2438           
                                                                                               2.6410             2.5700  135°           860-2031AG2641           
0.1719 (11/64)                           0.1875                          4                     2.8440             2.6560  135°           860-2188AG2844           
                                                                                               3.0470             2.8130  135°           860-2344AG3047           
0.1875 (3/16)                            0.1875                          4 1/2                 3.2500             3.1250  135°           860-2500AG3250           
                                                                                               3.3410             3.3200  135°           860-2570AG3341           
0.2031 (13/64)                           0.2500                          4 1/2                 3.4530             3.4380  135°           860-2656AG3453           
                                                                                               3.6560             3.7500  135°           860-2813AG3656           
0.2188 (7/32)                            0.2500                          5                     4.0630             4.2190  135°           860-3125AG4063                              BORING BARS
                                                                                               4.3160             4.3750  135°           860-3320AG4316           
0.2344 (15/64)                           0.2500                          5                     4.4690             4.5310  135°           860-3438AG4469           
                                                                                               4.8750             5.0000  135°           860-3750AG4875           
0.2500 (1/4)                             0.2500                          5                     5.4840                     135°           860-4219AG5484           
                                                                                               5.6880                     135°           860-4375AG5688           
0.2570 (F)                               0.3125                          5 1/2                 5.8910                     135°           860-4531AG5891           
                                                                                               6.5000                     135°           860-5000AG6500           
0.2656 (17/64)                           0.3125                          5 1/2

0.2813 (9/32)                            0.3125                          5 1/2                                                                                                        REAMERS

0.3125 (5/16)                            0.3125                          6

0.3320 (Q)                               0.3750                          6 1/2

0.3438 (11/32)                           0.3750                          6 1/2

0.3750 (3/8)                             0.3750                          7

0.4219 (27/64)                           0.4375                          7 1/2                                                                                                        SAWS

0.4375 (7/16)                            0.4375                          7 1/2

0.4531 (29/64)                           0.5000                          8

0.5000 (1/2)                             0.5000                          8 1/2

*L2 dimensions refers to the length of cut (10 x Dc).                                                                    Match with Pilot Drills Series 160  Page 30                TECHNICAL

                                                                Cutting Diameter Tolerance
                     Cutting Dia. (Dc) 0.1250" - 0.2344" 0.2500" - 0.3750" 0.4219" - 0.5000"

                       Tolerance + / - +0.00000”/-0.00032" +0.00000”/-0.00035" +0.00000”/-0.00043"

                                                                      Shank Tolerance                                                                                                INDEX
                     Shank Dia. (Ds) 0.1250" - 0.2500" 0.3125" - 0.3750" 0.4375" - 0.5000"

                      Tolerance + / - +0.00000”/-0.00032" +0.00000”/-0.00035" +0.00000”/-0.00043"

                                                         SERIES 860 WORKPIECE MATERIAL

  Coating     Steel      Steel           Hardened Steel  Hardened Steel  Stainless  Cast Iron  Aluminum Graphite  Copper  CFRP  Plastic  Thermoset  High Density  Nickel /  Titanium
AlTiN Nano  ~30HRC   30~40HRC             ~55HRC          ~68HRC            Steel                                  Alloy                 Plastic                 Cobalt      Alloy

 : Priority  : Applicable Materials                                                                                                    Symbol Descriptions  Page 7

 : Please Contact Customer Service for                                             kyocera@kyocera-tools.ru                                                                          61
U.S. Stock Availability: 1.888.848.8449                                                www.kyocera-tools.ru